Sophie's Planetary Blog

Friday, September 08, 2006

Just in from me Holidays

And am greeted with the news of Steve Irwins death. Which is sad. And despite his critics I quite admired him for his guts, and his enthusiastic approach to conservation.

Then I find out that Tony Blair will soon be resigning. That *%$*^££%"£"%£^$"%%$!£&%^*$£%£U*&&&$"^&"$$"¬"%^%&%*^&()@(^&$**%£@@@%£^££%"£ Gordon Brown, it seems has finally manged to force him out.

I want to demand a re-election.

God. I don't care if the conservatives are in next. Just. Not. Gordon. Brown.

And I am selling raffle tickets. I am a fool. I've left school. I thought that I'd be free from the duties of selling raffle tickets but no. Some very nice sounding lady rang up, and got my name, and before I knew it, I'd agreed.

I'd like to stress at this point that I am as cynical as I'd like to think. I know that if they donated the money spent keeping the charity offices, and organising a raffle they could halp people just as well. I know i can't make a difference I think the world is poo. I'm mean. And I'm thrifty.

BAH! Humbug.

And now I'd like to tell you that the charity I'm selling raffle tickets for is the RNIB. I'm helping raise money for their Talking book service.

Yes. Helping blind kids read.


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