I concede I need to post on both blogs at the same time.
Reasons to love Mac
7:14pm Saturday, Feb 10 | Edit Note | Delete
1. It works. It just does. You buy it, switch it on, load it, secure it, set it for the UK. And you are away.
2. It keeps on working. No matter what you demand of it. It's like you ask it to be on the internet, on face book, while loading something on Youtube, and playing itunes while you've got a word document up (procrastinating) and it just nods and gets on with it. Smoothly.
3. It does Microsoft Office better than Microsoft.
4. It has stuff on it. It's like you've not just bought a pretty electronic technologically advanced box. It's a box of magic tricks.
5. It's a box of speedy, smooth and clean magic tricks.
6. The display has brought me to tears with its artistry.
7. You look at it closed, and dormant and feel like you've just bought shiny new shoes of the wow! variety.
8. It laughs in the face of viruses and blows rasberries at spyware
9. It's tough.
10. Did I mention that it just works? With no protests, and little fuss.
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It's Snowy
10:35am Thursday, Feb 8 | Edit Note | Delete
It has been snowing for about three hours now...
Needless to say I didn't go into Uni.
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I expressed my deep displeasure at someone talking in a lecture
11:33pm Wednesday, Feb 7 | Edit Note | Delete
I also did not think much of her attitude. Needless to say, heated words were exchanged. Names were unstylishly thrown at me. She labled me a midget, which was perceptive of her. I resisted the temptation to pass a comment implying the person involved being on the larger side (it involved the words 'ate', 'all', 'the', and 'pies') as I felt that at the time being reduced to personal attacks would somehow weaken my argument.
Then much flouncing out occurred on my part.
I thought I'd leave before the remains of my dignity left me.
I am not entirely sure what to make of it.
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People who talk in lectures. Top Gear
10:04am Sunday, Feb 4 | Edit Note | Delete
People who talk in lectures. Now this is talking, sitting in the back rows and actually holding a conversation. Not whispering, not passing the odd comment, not quickly asking about a missed note. This is ACTUAL chatting. An actual chat, giggling included.
Why. WHY!? It's a lecture L - E - C - T - U - R - E. Why come to it in the first place if you are just going to sit around annoying everyone else - who ARE trying to take notes, because funnily enough they want to pass their first year, and heaven forbid actually get a degree - because you have an inability to shut the hell up and just sit quietly and POLITELY wait for it to finish! Sod off to crosslands! Do the decent thing and LEAVE at the break! GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!
Hisham If you were talking I forgive you. Because after I ranted at the break you did the decent thing and stayed quiet, and you are normally a beacon of excellent manners *hugs hugs hugs*
And finally...
Top Gear.
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New Shoes
9:46pm Wednesday, Jan 31 | Edit Note | Delete
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Guard arguing with passenger. Prince Harry. Oil. Jade Goody
9:01pm Monday, Jan 22 | Edit Note | Delete
On the train this afternoon. At Feltham (ie craphole) this male between 18-20 came on and got all pissy with the guard. Who to be fair was a bit of a self important twat anyway. The argument I believe was that male unwittingly got on slow train, and prior to doors closing asked (in quite an impolite manner - y'know 'pbrrrrreeeeeppp bled' sort of coloquialism) whether or not this train would arrive at Clapham Junction quickly. The guard naturally fulfilled his duty as a self important twat rather than helpful member of British rail staff and flounced by. Male was not deeply impressed. He continued to express his sentiments by refusing to show his ticket. Maturely stating that since the guard ad shown little respect to his query he was to show little respect to the guard's request. I said mature, under the understanding that the word was entirely subjective. He then threatened to 'bang up' the guard. I understand this as a threat of violence. To which the guard threatened violence back, and to throw male off train. I began moving away at this point for if there were to be an assault I'd much rather not be in the role of witness. I have little time for the arguments, follies, and rudeness of strangers.
Ooo and Prince Harry is training for Iraq. He sets of in April. Does anyone else get the feeling that this is something of a con? Saddam is dead, a law has been passed stating that most the major oil companies will get 30% of all oil profits from Iraq. So anyone else get the feeling that Britain is putting its exit strategy into effect and the troops will be out by March 31st? No? No one?
And did anyone else notice that the week everyone got all pissy about Blair getting a free holiday at Bee Gee Robin Gibb's (Sunbathing topless you may have noticed). The aforementioned oil law was passed. Quite frankly I don't see the problem with such freebies as a holiday at a Bee Gee's pad. In fact I certainly wouldn't say no I'm the prime inister, I can't have fun, or have friends. I would be there like a shot. Interestingly it quite happily deflected from the oil law. You know the 30% profit to most major companies. That thing hinted that the war was something of an immoral, ruthlessly commercial, and utter dissapointment in the principles and values of the Rpublican and Labour governments.
Oh and something else to make you proud to be British.
Jade Goody.
Holy Shit.
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