Sophie's Planetary Blog

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Summer Tunes

Sort of inspired by Mikey this...

Summer tunes, Songs that just make the lazy days and hazy nights pass ever so much more sweetly...

David Gray springs to mind here. Babylon, and Please forgive me... songs for that time where the late afternoon slips into dusk And Pain killer by Turin Brakes for those summer storms and barbeques...

Mr. tambourine man, by the Byrds is a great hazy afternoon song, for when it's too hot and you just want to sleep but can't. Mrs. Robinson, Simon and Garfunkle, just the tune, for those warm afternoons, and for those boys out there perving over their teachers in thin cotton tops.

U2, Wild honey, Beautiful day, Vertigo for the morning, Elevation for the plane trips and travel. Mas que Nada, for failed summer romances followed by a bit more Brasillian Jazz.

Yeah yeah yeahs, early evening, more recently wolfmother, and then some Queen!

Chopin for the evening, piano concerto in F poncy but I likes it. Then Dejeuner Dansant, Lambeth again for the evening.

Greenday in the mornings, to kick start my day, follwed by Kaiser chiefs, Maximo park. Franz ferdinand.


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